Mission Statement for the LHP Homeowners Association (HOA)

Board of Directors

Lighthouse Pointe HOA Board of Directors

Your LHP Board members ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS.  Please consider volunteering. 

Board meetings are generally at 6PM on the 3rd Thursday quarterly and all Lighthouse Pointe Property owners (in good standing = Dues up to date) are always welcome to attend.

Always check this website "Home/Announcements" webpage and/or take notice of the meeting signs posted at our front and rear entrances the week of the meeting for date and time of the next meeting.

2024/2025 Board of Directors

President - Dan Lewis

Vice President - TBD

Secretary - Janell Herring

Treasurer - TBD

Director, Walt Del Vecchio

You may contact the board or any specific member of the board through Etheridge Property Management Below.

The mission of the LHP Board of Directors is to help protect the investment and enhance the value of the member's property by:

  • providing for the physical maintenance and operation of the common elements and facilities;
  • being responsive to the member's concerns;
  • providing fiscally sound stewardship of association funds and;
  • enforcing the Deed Restrictions and Architectural Control within Lighthouse Pointe.